Our Minecraft Servers

Servers signed Frost World Studio.


At the beggining, we should have limited ourselves to creating game servers, especially on Minecraft. But, we wanted and decided to create video games in addition to servers.

We are very sorry, but for now, all the servers we did are in french only. Maybe we will work on english servers as well, but not now.

The first server we work on is the SCP:RP server. A server on which you play a Class-D personel, Class-C, Class-B, even Class-A, and even SCP entities, members of a Mobile Task Force or a Group of Interest. Your goal? It all depends on your role.

As a Class-D: First, you must follow the orders given to you by the members of the SCP Foundation. Afterwards, you can try to escape with the help of an Interest Group like the Chaos Inssurection.

As a SCP: VYour goal may vary depending on the entity you play. To understand the entity you play, we advise you to go to the site of the SCP Foundation, read the SCP's containment procedure and description and return to play.

As a Scientist: You must do experiments without breaking any lockdown of any SCP.

As a Tactical Response Agent: It is up to you to maintain order and discipline through the site on which you are trained, and in the event of a breach of containment, it is up to you to ensure that the Class-A and Class-B members get out unscathed. It is up to you to secure the site.

As a Mobile Task Force Agent: You must intervene to apprehend the SCP objects trying to flee the site, same for Class-D members. You come from outside, to be better prepared in case of a problem.

As a Area Manager: It is up to you to organize the members of your branch (scientifique, IT, etc...).

As a Group of Interest Member: You must perform onsite assaults in order to get out as many SCP objects and entities as possible, the same goes for the Class-D that will join you and help you attack the site. You are against the ideas of the Foundation and you are trying to make yourself understood on this.

In case of doubt on your side as to the lore, the history of the SCP Foundation, we can only recommend you to go to the site of the SCP Foundation.


The first server we worked on was the SCP: RP server. A server on which you play a member of the staff of Class-D, Class-C, Class-B, even Class-A, and even SCP entities, members of a Mobile Task Force or a Group of Interest. Your goal? It all depends on your role.

Humans: You have as much choice as possible: Kill or save. If you want to commit genocide, you can. If you want to be a pacifist, you can be a pacifist. You will be able to find items to strengthen your stats, but also merchants (Non Player Characters) who will be there to give you additional information! It’s up to you to create your own road, and your own story.

Monsters: Unfortunately for you, you have to follow the path that the human is following, you will have the right to walk as you please, but nothing prevents you from fleeing when you see a human. It’s up to you to choose if you prefer to choose a random monster and not really important, or choose an important monster in the story of Undertale and break the 4th wall.

From an Alternative Universe: You come from an alternative universe, you choose who to play, but we ask you to respect your character. If for example you take "Underfell! Without", then you have to be vulgar and insult monsters or humans (obviously, if you are off-roleplay, then you will be punished, you have to follow the rules.)

The Map: We rebuilt the entire map of Undertale, with secret rooms, fighting, cities, buildings etc... And we’re very proud of it.